
SANDS - 2008

Scaling and Analysis and New instrumentation for Dynamic bed Tests


SANDS is a Joint Research Activity within the EC Framework 6 Integrated Infrastructure Initiative, HYDRALAB-III. Details can be found in the sections below or by contacting the JRA coordinator (see right).

The specific objectives of the SANDS project are to:
  • Innovate data capture and analysis using advanced optical and acoustic probes profiting from techniques used in other fields and smaller scale facilities.
  • Improve the scaling and analysis procedures and achieve more "repeatable" and compatible tests (with known error bounds) across all relevant facilities.
  • Develop new protocols for the design and interpretation of mobile bed test results (across all relevant facilities), with a plan to transfer this protocol to other facilities worldwide.
  • Create a high quality metadata set (observations documented with the developed protocols). This will be used as benchmark tests for comparison with available hydraulic tests and numerical models (adding value to both of them).
Transfer the obtained advances to researchers in cognate disciplines and train young researches and other facility operators in the new protocols and instrumentation.

Within the CIEM flume two set of experiments have been done. One doing the SANDS tests, 47 tests with erosive wave conditions (Hs 0.53 m and Tp 4.14 s) and 35 tests with accretive wave conditions (Hs 0.32 m and Tp 5.44 s), and a second set of experiments testing new measuring equipment.