SUSCO - 2009
Swash zone response Under grouping Storm COnditions
This project aims at using the Hydralab III facility at UPC to investigate shoreline response and the SZ hydrodynamics when grouping waves, able to generate free waves and energy in the high frequency part of the spectra, impact on the controlled area.
Fourteen wave conditions (regular monochromatic, combination of free standing long waves plus monochromatic short waves, bi-chromatic waves, random waves with different Groupiness Factor) were run. Several “reshaping tests” were performed to reshape the beach at the end of each test. Beach profiles were analyzed and preliminary results for erosive conditions can be summarized in:
Vicinanza, D., Contestabile P., Baldock T., Power H., Cáceres I., Alsina J., Brocchini M., Postacchini M., Conley D., Lykke Andersen T., Frigaard P., Ciavola P. (2010). Large-scale experiments on the Swash zone response under grouping storm conditions". Proceedings of the Hydralab III Joint User Meeting, Hannover, Germany.
This project aims at using the Hydralab III facility at UPC to investigate shoreline response and the SZ hydrodynamics when grouping waves, able to generate free waves and energy in the high frequency part of the spectra, impact on the controlled area.
Fourteen wave conditions (regular monochromatic, combination of free standing long waves plus monochromatic short waves, bi-chromatic waves, random waves with different Groupiness Factor) were run. Several “reshaping tests” were performed to reshape the beach at the end of each test. Beach profiles were analyzed and preliminary results for erosive conditions can be summarized in:
Vicinanza, D., Contestabile P., Baldock T., Power H., Cáceres I., Alsina J., Brocchini M., Postacchini M., Conley D., Lykke Andersen T., Frigaard P., Ciavola P. (2010). Large-scale experiments on the Swash zone response under grouping storm conditions". Proceedings of the Hydralab III Joint User Meeting, Hannover, Germany.

Related Publitacions:
- Bellotti, G., R. Archetti, and M. Brocchini (2003), Experimental validation of mean swash zone boundary conditions, J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 108, 3250, doi:10.1029/2002JC001,510.
- Baldock, T.E., Holmes, P., Horn, D.P., 1997. Low frequency swash motion induced by wave grouping. Coastal Engineering 32, 197–222
- Falchetti, S. (2005). Morphodynamic shoreline boundary condition: a field experiment. Laurea Degree Dissertation, University of Genova.