Main Projects and Tests Carried Out at Ciemlab Since 1994
Project Acronym | Year | Title |
BERGA-XILE | 2009 | Wave Energy Device Experiments |
PORT OLÍMPIC | 2009 | Study of structural alternatives to reduce wave overtopping on Barcelona Olympic Harbour |
DILAPE | 2009 | Wave Energy Device Experiments |
SUSCO | 2009 | Swash zone response Under grouping Storm COnditions |
PIETRO | 2009 | Measurements of the wave-induced steady currents outside the surf zone |
IVANJO | 2009 | Sediment transport response to changes in the shoreline |
BOB | 2009 | Dune overwash and breaching |
CURRENT GENERATION TESTS | 2009 | Current generation system commissioning and first trials |
SANDS II | 2008 | Tests for new equipment under development |
SANDS I | 2008 | Scaling and Analysis and New instrumentation for Dynamic bed Tests |
POSIDONIA | 2008 | Wave Propagation over Posidonia oceanica: transmission, dissipation and vegetation/sediment hydrodynamics |
COMIBBS | 2008 | Composite Modelling of the Interactions Between Beaches and Structures |
AWASYS TESTS | 2007 | Awasys Generation Software Installation and first trials |
PIPO II | 2007 | Wave Energy Device Experiments |
HIDROFLOT | 2007 | Wave Energy Device Experiments |
PIPO I | 2006 | Wave Energy Device Experiments |
WAVE GAUGE TESTS | 2006 | Acoustic/Resistive/Capacitive Wave Gauge Intercomparison tests |
JACUMAR | 2006 | Study of sea cage fish under waves |
PUERTOS DEL ESTADO III | 2005 | Wave Reflection effect on breakwater stability tests |
AALBORG OVERTOPPING | 2005 | Study of breakwater overtopping scale effects |
ARLAS INVEST I | 2004 | Wave Energy Device Experiments |
FREAK WAVES | 2004 | Evolution of double-peaked spectra and of unstable wave packets |
PUERTOS DEL ESTADO II | 2003 | Wave Reflection effect on breakwater stability tests |
HYDRIV | 2003 | Test for development and implementation of novel imaging velocimetry techniques suited to large scale hydraulic facilities |
PUERTOS DEL ESTADO I | 2002 | Wave flume calibration for Wave Reflection effect on breakwater stability tests |
VOWS II | 2002 | Violent Overtopping by waves at Seawalls |
DELOS | 2002 | Tests for Environmental Design of Low Crested Coastal Defence Structures project |
CEFLOT II | 2002 | Wave Energy Device Experiments |
CEFLOT I | 2002 | Wave Energy Device Experiments |
VOWS I | 2001 | Experimental Study of the nature of high impulse pressures on vertical walls in the case of breaking waves |
SCARCOST | 2000 | SCouring ARound COastal Structures project : low crested breakwaters tests |
SPPORITA | 1999 | Wave induced turbulence over barred beaches |
SPANSBA | 1999 | Experiments of wave loads on rubble mound breakwater crown wall (Gijon Harbour) |
SPANBABI | 1998 | Measurements of dispersion and velocity structure functions under wave generated turbulence, applications to coastal diffusion |
TIRTON | 1998 | Emerged breakwater. Transmission analysis tests |
SPANGALO | 1997 | Hydrodynamics of breaking waves in infinite depth |
SPANGREC | 1997 | Transmition and reflection at breakwater in shoaling region |
CYTMAR | 1997 | Study of freeboard effect in the reflection and transmission coefficient on low crested structures |
DINAMICS OF BEACHES | 1996 | Hydrodynamics around submerged breakwaters tests |
TSC (PROVES RADAR) | 1995 | SAR reflectivity tests for small surface waves |
PORT BARCELONA | 1994 | Optimization of the East breakwater stability |