
Main Projects and Tests Carried Out at Ciemlab Since 1994

Project Acronym Year Title
BERGA-XILE 2009 Wave Energy Device Experiments
PORT OLÍMPIC 2009 Study of structural alternatives to reduce wave overtopping on Barcelona Olympic Harbour
DILAPE 2009 Wave Energy Device Experiments
SUSCO 2009 Swash zone response Under grouping Storm COnditions
PIETRO 2009 Measurements of the wave-induced steady currents outside the surf zone  
IVANJO 2009 Sediment transport response to changes in the shoreline
BOB 2009 Dune overwash and breaching 
CURRENT GENERATION TESTS 2009 Current generation system commissioning and first trials
SANDS II 2008 Tests for new equipment under development
SANDS I 2008 Scaling and Analysis and New instrumentation for Dynamic bed Tests 
POSIDONIA 2008 Wave Propagation over Posidonia oceanica: transmission, dissipation and vegetation/sediment hydrodynamics 
COMIBBS 2008 Composite Modelling of the Interactions Between Beaches and Structures 
AWASYS TESTS 2007 Awasys Generation Software Installation and first trials
PIPO II 2007 Wave Energy Device Experiments
HIDROFLOT 2007 Wave Energy Device Experiments
PIPO I 2006 Wave Energy Device Experiments
WAVE GAUGE TESTS 2006 Acoustic/Resistive/Capacitive Wave Gauge Intercomparison tests
JACUMAR 2006 Study of sea cage fish under waves
PUERTOS DEL ESTADO III 2005 Wave Reflection effect on breakwater stability tests
AALBORG OVERTOPPING 2005 Study of breakwater overtopping scale effects
ARLAS INVEST I 2004 Wave Energy Device Experiments
FREAK WAVES 2004 Evolution of double-peaked spectra and of unstable wave packets 
PUERTOS DEL ESTADO II 2003 Wave Reflection effect on breakwater stability tests
HYDRIV 2003 Test for development and implementation of novel imaging velocimetry techniques suited to large scale hydraulic facilities
PUERTOS DEL ESTADO I 2002 Wave flume calibration for Wave Reflection effect on breakwater stability tests
VOWS II 2002 Violent Overtopping by waves at Seawalls
DELOS 2002 Tests for Environmental Design of Low Crested Coastal Defence Structures project
CEFLOT II 2002 Wave Energy Device Experiments
CEFLOT I 2002 Wave Energy Device Experiments
VOWS I 2001 Experimental Study of the nature of high impulse pressures on vertical walls in the case of breaking waves
SCARCOST 2000 SCouring ARound COastal Structures project : low crested breakwaters tests
SPPORITA 1999 Wave induced turbulence over barred beaches 
SPANSBA 1999 Experiments of wave loads on rubble mound breakwater crown wall (Gijon Harbour)
SPANBABI 1998 Measurements of dispersion and velocity structure functions under wave generated turbulence, applications to coastal diffusion 
TIRTON 1998 Emerged breakwater. Transmission analysis tests
SPANGALO 1997 Hydrodynamics of breaking waves in infinite depth 
SPANGREC 1997 Transmition and reflection at breakwater in shoaling region 
CYTMAR 1997 Study of freeboard effect in the reflection and transmission coefficient on low crested structures
DINAMICS OF BEACHES 1996 Hydrodynamics around submerged breakwaters tests
TSC (PROVES RADAR) 1995 SAR reflectivity tests for small surface waves
PORT BARCELONA 1994 Optimization of the East breakwater stability